Swarm Leadership and the Collective Mind (2017)
This book helps you to become the leader of your own swarm by building its collective consciousness. A successful swarm business channels the competitive energies of all stakeholders towards collaboration. Once the team is operational, its collaboration can be tracked and boosted using the "six honest signals of collaboration," patterns of collaboration, which will further increase the performance of the swarm. These concepts are illustrated with examples from leading organizations based on decades of research by the author at MIT, ranging from the creation of the Web to Fortune 500 companies.

Sociometrics and Human Relationships (2017)
Sociometrics and Human Relationships translates the latest academic research on communication and human behaviour into practical business strategies and techniques with actionable insights. Learn how to improve individual, team and organizational performance by optimizing electronic communication and collaboration. Also learn how to leverage virtual collaborative creativity in the Internet age to understand the influence of leaders and measure and predict the strength of brands and products.

Coolfarming (2010)
In Coolfarming, Peter Gloor reveals the proven, four-step process for farming cool new ideas and unleashing a swarm of creative output. Featuring real-life examples from companies like Linux, Twilight, Procter & Gamble, and Apple, this book explains: how to provide a fertile ground for developing original ideas; how to determine what “cool” means; what makes something worthy of being the next big thing; how to turn creative dreams into real products; and how to carry new ideas over the tipping point and turn them into widespread phenomena.

Coolhunting (2007)
What do the most popular and latest technology gadgets all have in common? They're fresh, they're sexy, and most importantly -- they're cool. But while many companies embark on the eternal quest for the next big thing, very few know how to actually find it. Coolhunting takes you into the very heart of the search and shows you how to find trendsetters, spot innovations, and turn brilliant ideas into hot new trends. Major companies like Starbucks and Proctor & Gamble have already discovered the power of coolhunting.

Swarm Creativity (2016)
Swarm Creativity introduces a powerful new concept-Collaborative Innovation Networks, or COINs. Its aim is to make the concept of COINs as ubiquitous among business managers as any methodology to enhance quality and competitive advantage. The difference though is that COINs are nothing like other methodologies. A COIN is a cyberteam of self-motivated people with a collective vision, enabled by technology to collaborate in achieving a common goal - innovation-by sharing ideas, information, and work.